Virginia Soccer Association offers various recreation programs for children ages 2-19 in Haymarket, Bristow and Gainesville Virginia. VSA has established programs that allow your children to learn the game of soccer in a fun social environment.

Little Gunners (Ages 2-4): Cost $100

Little Gunners is a 6-week program that meets once a week. Little Gunners emphasizes fun while learning the game of soccer from one VSA’s experienced staff coaches for all players born 2020-2022. Click Here for more Information

U5-U6 Recreation: Cost $115

VSA’s U5-U6 program is based on the learning the beautiful game of soccer while in a fun and social environment for all players born in 2020 & 2019. The program is 9 weeks long consisting of practice once a week at your preferred location and 7 Saturday game days at James Long Park in Haymarket, VA. (No Referees) (Coaching requests must be made in comments section)

U8-U12 Recreation: Cost $130

VSA’s U8-U12 program is our most popular at VSA. Players get to participate in a social environment with their peers while learning the technical and tactical phases of the game. This is for all players born 2013- 2018, and will be broken into respective age groups. The program is 8-9 weeks long consisting of practice twice a week at your preferred location and 7 Saturday game days at Long Park. (1 Center Referee per match for U8, U10 & U12)(Coaching requests must be made in comments section)

U13-U19 NCSL Rec League: Cost $150

VSA’s U13-U19 divisions will play in an 11v11 formation on Turf and Grass Fields in the NCSL Rec league. 4 games will be played in the Haymarket area and 4 games will be away games in the Northern Virginia area . The season concludes with an in house event the final weekend of the season. This program is for all players born 2005-2011 and then broken into U13, U14, U16 and U19 Male and Female teams. (Coaching requests must be made in comments section)

*Will play in house if circumstances require




General Registration Ends August 1st

Late Registration: August 2nd-15th


Important Dates:


August 1st- Last day of General Registration (U13-U19 players must register by August 1st to guarantee team placement last possible day for requests)

August 7th - Rec & SFL Coaches receive welcome email w/ first session plans

August 15th - Late Registration Closes 

August 16th - Preliminary Rec & SFL Rosters & Practice Schedule released to coaches

August 22nd - Rec (U5-U12) Game Schedule Released

August 24th - Little Gunner Registration Closes

August 25th - Little Gunners Teams & Schedule Released (Saturday sessions only)

August 29th - Rec Coaches Clinic (5 pm)

August 30th - Rec Coaches Clinic (6 pm)

August 31st - Rec Coaches Safety Zoom Meeting (8 PM)

September 2nd - (Week of) - Practices begin for U5-U19 and U15-U19 NCSL Rec Game Schedules Finalized

September 7th - Spring U5-U19 Opening Weekend

September 14th - Saturday Little Gunners sessions begin 

TBD - Picture Day (pictures mailed to coaches)

November TBD - Rec All-Stars U8

November TBD - Rec All-Stars U10/U12

November 2nd - Final U5-U12 Games (Make up 11th)


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